
If you are not very familiar with the concept of prefabrication, chances are that a prefabricated steel warehouse may not be on the priority list for your business expansion. However, when compared to traditional buildings, the cost of a prefab warehouse is significantly lower. Besides, these steel buildings are also versatile. The raw materials are lightweight and built to last. While there are several advantages, below are few notable ones that can help your business grow. 

  • Construction Speed

By adopting the traditional brick-and-mortar method, warehouses can take months or even years to build depending on the size required. However if you adopt pre engineering process, the construction time reduces significantly. Pre engineered warehouses are built in a streamlined process with construction happening offsite. And since you manage the entire project on your own, there are no delays from sub-contractor’s end or other factors that are commonly known for delaying projects. 

  • Cost savings

Cost is one of the primary concerns in business expansion. Pre engineered steel warehouses from EPACK are economical to build as compared to traditional ones. This is due to the streamlined construction process which is fast and efficient. We have products of different budgets, catering to a wide range of clientele. 

  • Environmental efficiency

One of the biggest factors fuelling the growth of prefabricated steel warehouses is its environmental efficiency. In offsite construction, the structural elements are manufactured in a controlled environment of the manufacturing unit. So there is significantly less waste left out, which increases the efficiency of these buildings. The installation therefore takes significantly less time, thereby eliminating construction waste. 

  • Construction flexibility

As your business expands and becomes bigger, your infrastructure should reflect the same. With prefabrication, your warehouse will have modular components which are quick and easy to install.  So if you need more space, expansion in pre engineered warehouses is quite easily possible, which is a far cry in traditional mode of construction. 

  • Aesthetic Design

While we take care of full functionality of your buildings, we do not compromise on the design either. Aesthetics is one of the key elements of business growth, because first impression matters. 

At EPACK Prefab, we have over two decades of manufacturing experience. We have designed pre engineered warehouses for private sectors as well as PSUs. With a wide range of design and customization options, we cater to major national and international players in the market. Prefabrication is the future of construction. The other factor is, as technology keeps improving and more and more people become aware of prefabrication, buildings in future are going to be far more energy efficient.